

This is a site to showcase my work on browser based games and interactive apps.

I have recently started learning how to make games using the Phaser 3 framework in my spare time. I also work on web apps and web development in my spare time and am using this space to showcase some of the apps I have created. These use the react Framework, but I also have experience of other Javascript frameworks including Node.js and JQuery. I also program in Python.



These are some games I have created in my spare time, written in Javascript using the Phaser 3 framework

Zener Puzzle

in game screen
in game screen

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This is my first project using the Phaser 3 framework. I wanted to create a Tetris style puzzle game, thinking it would be a nice simple project to start with, but it turned into an enormous challenge for me. The hardest thing was working out how to get the blocks to allign properly. Thanks to the Phaser 3 community, I was able to work out how to get this working.

When I was thinking of images to use for the blocks, I could remember the Zener cards used for testing ESP. I thought it would be interesting to use those symbols so that's why I decided to call it "Zener Puzzle".


Press space to start, while in game press space bar to rotate the blocks, use the arrow keys to maneuver

How to Play

Blocks of two random "Zener" symbols (square, waves, circle, cross, star) will fall from the top of the screen. The aim is to arrange the blocks in lines of 4 or more matching symbols.

There are 99 levels, the aim of each level is to reach the goals defined in the panel to the left. To reach those coles arrange the falling blocks to form lines of 4 or more of the same symbol. Lines can be scored either vertically or horizontally. Scores are given to lines of four or more blocks. Scoring a line will cause the blocks in the line to disappear. Fulfill the desired goals to proceed to the next level.

In later levels skull tiles will appear randomly on the screen. These do not count for points, but scoring any line will remove one skull tile.

If the screen overflows with falling blocks then one live is lost. You have three lives, loosing all three means game over.


Sound effects by www.kenney.nl

License (Creative Commons Zero, CC0)

Music by www.bensound.com

Corona Maze

in game screen
in game screen

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I made this game in one week, it is really dumb, but someone was talking about the corona virus situation and I had an idea of a game where people fight each other for the last remaining toilet roll. I created this simple maze game and then added a multiplayer element to it. It is my first time making a game with multiplayer. It was getting quite intense and I just wanted to finish it off so I know it looks crappy, but was an intersting project for me.

Please don't get offended by this it is just a parody of the situation.


Press the arrow keys to move the player around, that's it!

How to Play

Single Player

Move around the maze to collect the various items on your shopping list while avoiding the corona zombie, they kill you! When you collect an item you score points and the next item magically appears, just like in real life lol. Collect all items to proceed to the next level, collecting the toilet roll is the ultimate goal and will trigger the next level.


This is the same as single player mode except that you play against an opponent. The scoring works the same, but the first to collect the toilet roll wins the level.

When you enter a multiplayer game the screen pauses until an opponent is found.


Title Music - Runner by Six Umbrellas

In game music - Brain - Instrumental Retro (ID 1271) by Lobo Loco

Music courtesy of Free Music Archive

Sound Effects from zapsplat



These are some apps I have created in my spare time, written in Javascript using the React framework

Zener ESP Test


Play Now

When making the ZenerPuzzle game, I was just using the symbols as a reference for something to display on the blocks. I then became inspired to create an app which recreates the actual test.

This app is created using React.js and socket.io running on Express. It alows someone to play against the computer or against a human.


To play against the computer click on draw card which will allow the server to actually pick a card at random. This card exists in the memory of the computer so it has already been determined. The aim is to see if you can picture that image and select the correct card.


Playing against a human allows one other person to join. Players play their cards in turn by either picking a card to transmit or receiving the card from the player.

The results at the end of each game will give an indicator of possible ESP



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Other Acknowledgements

Many thanks to the Phaser community, without their help, I wouldn't have had to give up making these games.